PSG (Parent Support Group)

Our PSG is known as BRIDGE. The colourful bridge is used as a metaphor to show the meaningful link between the school and parents, working towards the well-being of all Greenwood students.
As parent volunteers and members of the PSG, we work hand in hand with the school to develop our students into Motivated Learners, Critical Thinkers and Leaders of Character. We play an active role to nurture our students into lifelong learners and responsible citizens through a well-rounded education. We provide the voice of our parents as we communicate with the school.
Parents Support Group EXCO
Vice Principal Admin |
Mr Tan Kar Wee |
HOD Innovation |
Ms Lee Sok Ee |
SH Partnerships |
Ms Nur’Ain Rahim |
Chairperson |
Mdm Rynn Rahmat |
Vice Chairperson |
Mdm Halimatussa’adiah |
Mr Raimi Bin Mohamed Juhari |
Mdm Bhakti Tamhane |
Mdm Gunasundari |
Mdm Camalie Quek |
Mdm Sylvia Wong |
Mr Keith Goh |
Mdm Vidya Chia |
Mdm Vivian Low Hui Hui |
Mdm Novanti Kumalasari |
Mdm Erica Yew |
Mdm Adelene Yeoh Siew Lee |
Mdm Siti Noraisyah |
Mdm Nadiah |
Mr Boo Kok Chuon |
Mdm Karishma |
We welcome you to be a part of us! Join us in our school events and play a significant role in your child’s development by helping to create an interesting and engaging environment for your child to learn! We also welcome parents to join us to network and bond together to form a support group for one another so that you will never have to walk alone in this parenting journey.
Scan the QR code below to to be part of us
